Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Obama's Legacy--Sharia Law Unleashed--Mission Accomplished !!!

Barack Obama was sworn-in as "POTUS" legally or not in 1/2009. According to those who deemed him the "New Messiah," including the "Mainstream Media " he was the "Anointed Savior " of not just the USA but the entire world. Without vetting equal to or even close to any "Prior Precedent or Journalistic Standards" he was allowed to "Unabashedly Lie, Deny and present False Image to the American people." Bill Ayers wrote as the author of Obama's "Autobiographies," "I {Obama } will stand with the Muslim world, no matter where the winds blow." Bill Ayers a terrorist in his own right, could never have envisioned the truth in that statement; or did he?

In 1/09 "Middle Eastern Nations" knew where America stood.  Islamic killers, 12th'r Governments and Sharia Law were the enemy and totally unacceptable. America's elected leaders saw the threat and "Minced No Words or Actions " accordingly. Israel had no doubt that America was her greatest friend. That any threat local, regional or worse global; America would be her firewall. 33 months since 1/09, a very short time historically, Barack Obama has turned enemies into friends, and allies into well; enemies. 

Sharia Law has become the "The Real Arab Spring." Egypt is now ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood. Libya declares Sharia,  Law of the Land. Tunisia follows suit. Sharia inspired chaos continues in Syria, Saudi Arabia, and throughout the "Mid-East."  Europe, Australia, England, the "Former Soviet Union"  and even America's "OWS" protests; are now inflicted by Sharia Law madness. How did this happen? "WTF" is going on?

Barack Obama was raised as a child in Indonesia, as a Muslim; under the strictest of Sharia Law. This is not a conspiracy or some crazy "Cold-Cocked" fantasy; it's an undeniable fact--Period !!! He was raised and taught to believe America and England were "Imperialists" That they conquered and dominated all they could. Please note this education Obama received, was after both World Wars of the 20th century. Keep present  the absence of the fact, America and England had twice saved the "Collective World's Ass." That the price England and America paid in human treasure, is beyond any known form of measurement. 

Barack Obama while raised in Indonesia, was taught and personally fermented his worse hatred for Israel. To this day, no Jews are knowingly allowed into Indonesia. The price of being a Jew in Indonesia--Death. Obama as are all Muslims, was raised to see Israel as the ultimate "Anti-Islam/Mohammed State." Islamic/Sharia Law as passed down from "God and Mohammed" orders all followers of "God and the Prophet" to destroy the Jews/Israel. England and America's post WW2 leadership in reestablishing the "State of Israel" was the ultimate sin against Islam. There could never be forgiveness, for this brazen act of treason against God, Mohammed and Islam.   

America commenced a war against "Islamic Whack Jobs and the Governments" who sponsor them at 9am est. on 9-11-2001. With the Taliban and Al-Qaeda on the run in the summer of 2009 hundreds of thousands of brave Iranian youth took to the streets of Iran demanding an end to the Ayatollah, his Mullahs, and that  "Holocaust" loving President; who swears over and over that the 12th Imam has directed him to end Israel's existence and bring about the conditions for the return of himself the "Glorified Madi." The world watched for several days waiting as always, for leadership from America. 8 days into the protests President Barack Obama went on world wide television to tell the American public and world at large, "This is an Iranian matter, America will not get involved in the affairs of a foreign government. We encourage the Iranian government to use restraint when dealing with the protesters." Obama's statement that day lead to the Rape, Torture and Death of untold Iranian youth and citizens in general. If you agreed with this decision or not, in 2009 the policy of President Obama was; Not To Get Involved in Foreign Government Issues/Matters.

Egypt for nearly 30 years had been an ally to America and Israel, without question Murbarak's government was "Strong-Handed and less than Democratic" in structure.However having stipulated that, Egypt kept not only peace with Israel whom it borders; but aided Israel and America in it's fight against "Islamic Whack-Jobs and Governments" that sponsored them. Murbarak was truly a tested friend of Israel and the west. When protests began to develop in Egypt, Obama had set the American precedent; "We stay out of foreign government matters." Who would've thunk that Obama would go on live television and tell Murbarak; "You Must Go." This not only contradicted his own policy, it betrayed and stabbed in the back our and Israel's longtime trusted ally. Was Bill Ayers the only one, whose jaw did not hit the floor? 

Obama touted Egypt as the "Arab Spring." The rise of "Freedom" in the middle-east. What Obama and the "Main-Stream" media forgot or decided not to tell America and the world, even as one of their own was being raped and beaten in public; was that Freedom had not risen, indeed the only thing rising was the rule of Sharia Law. Which by any honest analysis, Sharia Law and Freedom are less compatible than CBS and Charlie Sheen. That is unless you consider the "Sanctioned by Law" rape of any woman freedom. Hey Jane Fonda and "NOW," is that freedom? That what ya been fighting for all these years?

Wow, so as Sharia takes hold via the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Obama decides once again to contradict his own policy this time in Libya. Before I go any further, I was in college when "Flight 103" was taken down hours before Christmas. Far as I was concerned then and now as I write this, Reagan should have detonated a nuke up Gadaffi's ass; would've been no loss to mankind. Having said that, an internal dispute erupts in Libya, fueled by the "Arab Spring." You got Al-Qaeda involved, the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran and God knows who else. Once again Obama goes on live tv and tells Gaddafi " Ya gotta go." This time he commits American troops under "NATO" control none the less to "Bomb Gaddafi" out of power. Obama tells America/the world, "This is not an American mission." Yet when Gaddafi is recently killed, Obama tells the world, " America has lead the way in liberating Libya." Once again as several of their own are being tortured and beaten, the "Main-Stream" media forgets or decides not to tell America/the world that even though Gadaffi  is gone--yeah--Sharia Law is taking his place. Once again besides Bill Ayers, does anybody think this is a really good thing? Hey Jane and "NOW" what ya all think?

Okay I know, the "New Leaders" of Libya are now saying were like this "Moderate" form of Sharia Law; excuse me for a minute while I fall out of my chair laughing...........okay I'm back off the floor. For the record, there is no such thing as a "Moderate" form of Sharia Law. Why? Because to proclaim yourself as such in Islamic way is to proclaim yourself as a traitor to "God and Mohammed." Ya all ever see that sick video of the beheading of Daniel Pearl? Well what they did to Daniel would be considered kind compared to what they would do to one of their own who is viewed as betraying "God and Mohammed." Sharia Law is not a religious law as we think of it. It's not like the 10 commandments. The 10 commandments are a guideline for personal conduct, they encourage love, respect and devotion to our fellow man. Sharia Law on the other hand is a doctrine of conquest of "All Infidels." It's about domination, power, submission, violence, sexual perversions and a never ending lust and thirst for blood. If you doubt this, read the damn Koran, investigate and research Sharia Law. Look at the history of Islam and the conduct and behavior of it's followers throughout the ages. Ask yourself why was the abomination known as the Ground Zero Mosque initially set to be called/named the Cordoba Mosque? If you don't know--Research it. While you're at it, see if you can find more than 500 cases where Islamic conquests ended with Mosques being built over or on the place of conquest. Ask yourself a couple simple questions: Why did they do this? What does this say? What does it mean in the future? 

While were asking questions I have a few for Barack Obama: Mr. President, how does replacing our ally Mubarak with Sharia Law benefit America, Israel or mankind for that matter? How does allowing Libya with all their oil falling under control of Sharia Law benefit America, Israel or mankind? How does giving Iran's government a pass and watching them undeterred build Nuclear Weapons benefit America, Israel or mankind? How much more danger and instability do you have to cause and put in place, before your mission to "God and the Prophet" is completed? One last question: whose next? Is it Greece, England, Syria, Spain, Australia or us ???

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