Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

IRONY ALERT: OWS denying homeless people food !!

Dirty hippie or homeless vagrant ??? How can you tell the difference ???

The kitchen staff at Occupy Wall Street has decided to revolt against the freeloading “professional homeless” and other who are trying to just get a free meal off their hard work. Seriously – it’s pure irony in action and Glenn took the time on radio to point out the massive hypocrisy.
According to news reports, the cooks down on Wall Street feel overworked and underappreciated. There are homeless people and others who are not necessarily part of the protests – although they certainly are part of the 99% – going to Zuccotti Park for a free meal. In response, they chefs are refusing to cook the gourmet food they usually serve and will only serve brown rice and other ‘spartan grub’ this weekend. For instance, they are only serving peanut butter and jelly sandwiches today.
“There are people starving in this country and you’re not willing to share you’re food?” Glenn asked.
“Heartless,” he added.
Glenn said at most gatherings the Tea Party organized don’t get gourmet food, and they would be lucky have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
“They have so much in common with those in Egypt,” Glenn jokingly added.
“I mean, these hangers on aren’t doing anything. Why should they have to support them? Why?” Pat asked.
“They are protesting for the people who are at the middle and bottom of the ladder, they say. But their protest to shake the deadbeats is to feed them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. You’ve got to be kidding me.”

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