Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Israeli Media Worried About Anti-Semitic Nature of Obama-Endorsed “Occupy Wall Street” Movement

Leading Israeli news organization YNet is worried about the anti-Semitic nature of the Obama-endorsed “Occupy Wall Street” movement.

YNet reported, via Free Republic:
Several anti-Semitic incidents have been reported during “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations in New York as Jews were blamed for the turmoil in America’s financial markets. In addition, anti-Israel signs were raised against “Israel’s occupation of Gaza”.
The “Emergency Committee for Israel” has published a hard-to-watch clip in which Jews are attacked and blamed for the financial crisis and assistance to Israel. The committee is a neo-conservative body headed by William Kristol, the Jewish editor of the Weekly Standard, which aims to convince Jews to vote for a Republican presidential candidate.
It should be noted that the video is political in nature and seeks to tie President Obama and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to the protesters, urging them to “stand up to the mob”.
The White House, on its part, is trying to take advantage of the demonstrations against Wall Street while the anti-Obama camp is attempting to tie the protesters to the far Left and Israel’s enemies. 

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