Senin, 30 April 2012

Liberals abuse Twitter spam protection by targeting conservative users

There's a budding war in the Twitterverse as liberals are evidently carrying out organized attacks on conservative Twitter users by reporting their tweets as "spam," thus triggering an automated block on their accounts.

Apparently, a threshold has to be crossed as far as the number of tweets for the system to kick in, as well as the number of spam reports in order to ban the user so not all conservative Twitter activists are vulnerable. But several high profile conservatives have had their accounts blocked and trying to get them reinstated is proving to be a difficult matter.

But Chris Loesch, husband of talk radio host Dana Loesch has been banned, reinstated, and banned again several times in the last 48 hours.

While Twitter executives sleep on the job, conservatives online are battling not only Loesch's suspension, but the suspension of more than a dozen -- and possibly dozens, if not hundreds more -- innocent conservative social-media users who appear to have been maliciously targeted by Twitter abusers. The system is obviously broken and being exploited by vigilantes who oppose everything the engagement-enhancing ethos of Twitter stands for (or is supposed to stand for, anyway).

The targets are not big-time conservative celebs with large followings (which seems to be why Chris Loesch was targeted instead of his fellow conservative activist wife -- editor/CNN contributor Dana Loesch -- whose high-follower Twitter account may be more immune to flag-spam attacks).

The progressives never expect pushback. But with the back-to-back suspensions of @freemarket_us and @chrisloesch, the conservative activist community online is banding together to Flag the Flag-Spammers for Twitter to see all in one place -- no, not by abusing the flag-spam system, but by naming names and showing Twitter the extent of the problem.

Shane Wright, who himself was the victim of a temporary suspension, has compiled a list of conservatives suspended at some point on Twitter.

A tidal wave of Tweets from conservative activists are trying to keep pace with the organized attack on free speech from the left. If you've got a Twitter account, it might be a good idea to join with others and tweet like crazy - and retweeting banned users tweets -- until Twitter can figure out how to stop the abuse.

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