Rabu, 11 April 2012

Blog Award

Hello! I was tagged by the always lovely Traci from Drinkcitra with the Blogger Appreciation Award! Thank you so very very much!!!!!

Here are the rules:

The rules of the Award:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award with their blog link on your post.
2. Answer the following 4 questions.
3. Award the Blogger Appreciation Award to as many readers/commenters/supporters/followers as you’d like.
4. Let the blogger know you've just awarded them (by leaving a comment, a tweet, an email, etc.)

The questions:
1.  How long have you been blogging?
2.  What are 1-2 reasons why you started blogging.
3.  What types of blogs do you like to follow/read?
4.  What is 1 thing you would like to improve on as a blogger/on your blog?

Here are my Answers:
1. I have been blogging for almost a year now.  May will make a year!
2. I started blogging as my hobby! I am so glad I did!
3. I like to read polish, nail art, beauty, makeup and what ever else I find!
4. I think my photography skills need some improvement! Also, my technique.

Here are the bloggers I am tagging:
Nails Like Lace
Fingers Polish Mania
The Collegiate Nail
Polish Amor
Peace Love and Polish
Pistols and Cobras
Cosmetic Proof
Fierce Makeup and Nails
Clothes, Cosmetics and Chat
My World
My Nail Polish Online
Frazzle and Aniploish
The Scholarly Nail
A Plethora of Nails
Glazed Talons
I'm Feeling Nail-Venturous

There are so many blogs I love.  If your name isn't here, please consider yourselves tagged! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

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