Selasa, 24 April 2012

Twinsie Tuesday: Skittles

Hello! It's time for another installment of Twinsie Tuesday! This weeks theme is a Skittles manicure.  A few days ago I bought some microbeads and I thought this would be a great time to use them! The pack I bought had 6 different colors in it. So I started by painting 2 coats of a coordinating polish and then adding the beads. Enjoy!

From thumb to pinky: Nina Ultra Pro Blue La La, Sally Hansen Xtremewear in Lacey Lilac, OPI Fly, OPI Gargantuan Green Grape, and Orly Basket Case. 

They are a little spotty, but for a first time application I think they came out pretty good!!

I'm trying a new background for my photos, not sure if I like it.  What do you all prefer, white or black?

Don't forget to check out the other ladies of Twinsie Tuesday!

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