Jumat, 04 November 2011

Support Ohio’s Issue 2 and Kentucky’s Todd P’Pool Next Tuesday by Sarah Palin

Next Tuesday, November 8, there are elections in several states.  Here are two great ways you can get involved.


As a proud former union member and the wife, daughter, and sister of union members, I’m encouraging you to learn the facts about Issue 2 in Ohio.  To the hard working, patriotic, selfless union brothers and sisters in Ohio and throughout our country:  I believe that Issue 2 is needed reform.  It will help restore fairness to Ohio taxpayers and help balance the budget.

As a former card-carrying IBEW sister married to a proud former Laborers, IBEW, and later USW member, I’m encouraging Ohioans to vote YES on Issue 2. Get the facts at www.BetterOhio.org.


Todd P’Pool is a new conservative leader for Kentucky.  Todd is a dedicated public servant in Hopkins County and a community leader focused on building a better future for Kentucky. We can count on Todd P’Pool as Attorney General to stand up and defend our Constitution, to take on the entrenched special interests, fight against Obamacare, and stop Obama’s EPA from destroying jobs.  

Please join me in supporting Todd P’Pool for Attorney General.  Learn more about Todd at www.toddppool.com.   

- Sarah Palin

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