Selasa, 29 November 2011

Top 10 Most Influential Conservative Women in America by Human Events

In America today, our culture places a lot of value on promoting women. However, it is very rare that the mainstream media gives any positive attention to the contributionsconservative women have had on our society.

At the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, we promote mentors and women leaders from all walks of life who are committed to the constitutional principles of individual freedom, economic liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values, and we wanted to honor some of the great women who have been champions of these ideals.

We have teamed up with some of our favorite conservative men at HUMAN EVENTS to bring you the Most Influential Conservative Women in America, highlighting the lives and achievements of the top ladies of the Conservative movement. Click on each name to read the profile. Glenn Beck writes about Michele Bachmann; Rep. Steve King on the greatPhyllis Schlafly; Film director Steve Bannon on Sarah Palin; Jason Mattera on Michelle Malkin, and a whole lot more.

The women on this list have made a tremendous impact for the better on this great country—and even abroad—and we are thrilled with the opportunity to give them the attention they deserve.


Alyssa Cordova
Lecture Director
Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute

1—Sarah Palin

Nominee for Vice President in 2008, Governor of Alaska, leader of Tea Party Movement in America, a widely admired professional, wife, mother and woman of faith.

2—Congresswoman Michele Bachmann

Three term congresswoman from Minnesota, wife, mother of 5, foster mother of 23, national leader for taxpayers besieged by overwhelming government intrusion into their lives.

3—Phyllis Schlafly

Led the charge against radical feminism in the 1970’s by mobilizing millions of women to defeat the Equal Rights Amendment. She is the founder and president of Eagle Forum, author of more than 20 books, attorney, syndicated columnist, campus lecturer and debater, married 45 years, and mother of four sons and two daughters.

4—Ann Coulter

Author of seven New York Times best-selling books, a television and radio commentator, attorney, nationally syndicated columnist, and the most popular campus speaker in the country.

5—Michelle Malkin

New York Times best-selling author of titles including Culture of Corruption, Invasion,In Defense of Internment, and Unhinged. Malkin runs the most popular conservative blog in America averaging 6 million page views per month, has been married for 13 years, is a popular campus speaker, and mother of two.

6—Bay Buchanan

United States Treasurer under President Reagan beginning in 1981. At the age of 32, she was the youngest person to hold that position since it was established in 1775. Bay currently serves as president of The American Cause, an educational foundation dedicated to advancing traditional conservative issues.

7—Marji Ross

President and publisher of Regnery Publishing, which has published over 50 best- selling books during her tenure. Her decision to print John O’Neill’s, Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry changed the course of history in 2004. She is a wife and proud mother of three daughters.

8—Cleta Mitchell

President of the American Conservative Union Foundation which funds the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, DC. With more than 30 years of experience in law, politics and public policy, Ms. Mitchell advises corporations, nonprofit and issue organizations, candidates, campaigns, and individuals on state and federal campaign finance law, election law, and compliance issues related to lobbying, ethics and financial disclosure.

9—Michelle Easton

Founded Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, the foremost organization devoted to mentoring young women for strong conservative leadership, served 12 years for President Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, president of Virginia State Board of Education for Governor Allen, attorney, married 31 years, and mother of three sons.

10—Star Parker

A former single welfare mother living in Los Angeles who reformed her life and became the president and founder of the Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education (CURE). Wrote two books, Pimps, Whores and Welfare Brats and Uncle Sam’s Plantation, powerful campus speaker, television and radio personality, and mother of two daughters. In 2010, Star ran for the Republican Congressional seat in California’s 37th District and was unanimously elected. Though she did not win, she increased Republican votes in the district.

(Honorary) 11—Margaret Thatcher

Conservative and first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Worked alongside President Reagan to defeat communism and promote the values of freedom and limited government. Though not an American, Lady Thatcher’s conservative leadership in the United Kingdom has been an inspiration to the U.S. Conservative Movement and to many all over the world.

HUMAN EVENTS is the news source President Reagan called his "favorite newspaper" and we still hold high the Reaganesque principles of free enterprise, limited government and, above all, a staunch, unwavering defense of American freedom.

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