Rabu, 02 November 2011

NOW Silent on Occupy Wall St Sex Assaults

By Sean O’Rourke, Fox News
An epidemic of reported rapes and sexual assault against women has plagued the Occupy Wall Street movement in the past weeks. Just recently a 19-year-old Cleveland victim claimed she was raped after being directed by 'Occupy' officials to share a tent with a man named 'Leland' and a 14-year-old Dallas victim was sexually assaulted after running away from home to join the protests. To get a good sense of the dire conditions facing women, watch the following video of a protester in Zuccotti Park...
And as the NY POST reports, some of these crimes have gone unreported to the police…
                A sex fiend barged into a woman’s tent and sexually assaulted her at around 6 a.m., said protesters, who chased him from the park.
               “Pervert! Pervert! Get the f–k out!” said vigilante Occupiers, who never bothered to call the cops.
               “They were shining flashlights in his face and yelling at him to leave,” said a woman who called herself Leslie, but refused to give her real name.
               She said that weeks earlier another woman was raped.
               “We don’t tell anyone,” she said. “We handle it internally. I said too much already.”
The National Organization for Women (NOW) would have naturally commented by now on such heinous and deplorable crimes being committed against women in a well organized group as 'Occupy Wall Street'. For example here's a past NOW campaign that targets the military (A National Disgrace: Stop Sexual Assault in the Military)
According to NOW's site...
NOW is unique in its approach to the issue of violence against women, emphasizing that there are many interrelated aspects to the issue -- domestic violence; sexual assault; sexual harassment; violence at abortion clinics; hate crimes across lines of gender, sexuality and race; the gender bias in our judicial system that further victimizes survivors of violence; and the violence of poverty emphasized by the radical right's attacks on poor women and children -- all of which result from society's attitudes toward women and efforts to "keep women in their place."
Yet a thorough search of NOW’s press release statements and actions reveals absolutely no condemnation or repudiation of 'Occupy’s' dark side.
The only mention found thus far was on a NOW California Chapter Facebook page, ENCOURAGING participation…
We're here in New York joining the Occupy Wall Street movement. California NOW encourages our members to join their local Occupy events to ensure our elected leaders hear from us....the other 99%. #occupywallstreet

We tried reaching out to NOW for comment, but could only reach voicemail at this time. We are awaiting an official response.
Would NOW not consider this a toxic environment for women? A movement where its leaders DISCOURAGE the reporting of rapes and sexual assault?
How much longer will NOW remain silent?


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