Jumat, 04 November 2011

Hillary Throws Obama/Holder Under "Fast & Furious" Bus !!!

     Clinton confirms DOJ/DHS committed felonies in Operation Fast and Furious

Written By: Bob - Oct• 28•11
Sometimes it really does get just this simple. By denying that State played any role at all in Operation Fast and Furious, Hillary Clinton has thrown Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano under the bus at highway speeds.
“How?” you may be asking. Simple.
According to the Arms Export Control Act, only the State Department can authorize the export of weapons. Every weapon that the multi-agency strike force made up mostly of Department of Justice and Homeland Security personnel sent over the Mexican border should equal a felony, for at least 2,020 felonies in Operation Fast and Furious alone.

Hey Barack and Eric, can you spell Felony and Impeachment? How bout Prison Time?

See entire article here: http://www.bob-owens.com/2011/10/clinton-confirms-doj-dhs-committed-felonies-in-operation-fast-and-furious/

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