Senin, 07 November 2011

Conservative vs. Liberal Ideology on Display in DC

Tea Party Event (Left) Occupy Event (Right) AP/FNC
By Sarah Rumpf

I visited Washington DC this week for Americans for Prosperity Foundation's Defending the American Dream Summit. This week's events were an amazing contrast in conservative versus liberal activist strategies:

On our side, AFP Foundation lined up lots of great speakers, all of whom shared a message of individuals taking responsibility, educating ourselves on the issues and candidates, making up our our minds, and then getting involved. My favorites were Herman Cain, Rudy Giuliani, Judge Napolitano, and Dinesh D'Souza. I wasn't close enough to get good video but others did and you can find them on YouTube. AFP has promised to post the videos in the next day or so as well. There was also an amazing selection of breakout sessions, as usual. Summit attendees included conservative activists and tea party organizers from around the country, and there was a collective mood of optimism that, despite the very serious problems facing our country, enough people were paying attention and working hard to, well, defend the American dream for generations to come.

Now, contrast that with the literal assault on our event by the Occupy DC crowd. We had a crowd of protesters outside the convention center, who were actually beating on the doors and trying to break into the event. They were loud, angry, yelling obscenities, and made it impossible to exit from that side of the building. Several people who were attending the summit got caught up in the mob when they first arrived, and fell down the stairs. There were also roving groups of protesters circling the Convention Center, yelling chants and standing in the roads and blocking traffic.
Bonus Video:

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