Selasa, 01 November 2011

Benjamin Netanyahu announces plans for thousands more new housing units for Jerusalem. OBAMA FUMES !!!

Israel’s prime minister has ordered the building of 2,000 new housing units for Israelis, mainly in East Jerusalem, an area Palestinians claim as the capital of their future state. (When pigs fly)

al-Jazeera  Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement on Tuesday that the new construction includes 
 homes that he believes would be part of Israel in a future peace accord. Israeli settlements homes built on occupiedPalestinian Israeli land are considered illegal under international law. (But legal according to God’s law)
Israel also decided on Tuesday to freeze the transfer of tax revenues owed to the Palestinian Authority, as a punitive measure after Palestine was granted full membership in UNESCO, media reports said. The decision was taken at a meeting of the Forum of Eight senior ministers, chaired by Netanyahu, Israel’s public radio said.

An Israeli official said the accelerated construction is an answer to the moves being made by the Palestinian Liberation Organisation in pursuit of statehood recognition. “You can’t demand from the Israeli public to continue to show restraint when the Palestinian leadership continues to slam the door in their face,” said the official.
Palestinians object to Jewish housing in East Jerusalem (Who cares?) and demand an end to all construction in the settlements before peace talks can resume. (There will NEVER be peace with Muslims and everyone knows it) Israel rejects that as a precondition.

And just a few days ago, 4,000 more units for Jerusalem were announced by Israel.

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