Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

Twinsie Tueday: Layered!

 Hello! It's the second edition of Twinsie Tuesday and the theme is "A Layered Polish".  You all know I LOVE to layer so this was an exciting theme for me!!! I wracked my brain trying to come up with something awesome and I kept going back to the Finger Paints over Nina Ultra Pro Glam Rock so I figured since I liked it so much, it deserved it's own post! You have seen this before, but just a picture or two.  So here we go, onto the layers! I started with 2 coats of Sally Hansen Xtremewear in Midnight Sky.

Next is one layer of Nina Ultra Pro Glam Rock! (I just love this stuff! I may wear it this weekend for girls night!)

And here are even more layers.  I added one coat each of Finger Paints Special Effects top coats. (Twisted, Flecked, Motley, Asylum)

I think it came out pretty darn good! Subtle yet still really fun!

Be sure to check out the other lovely ladies who are participating in Twinsie Tuesday!


Also, I have a guest post up today over at Glazed Talons and Happy Birthday to my big brother!

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